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JOIN START Hack 2023

OPEN UNTIL march 3rd


Hey! Welcome to the START Hack 2023, open until March 3rd!  πŸš€

Here is how to choose the application form that suits you.



   Individual or group?


If you plan on applying as a team, please select either New Group or Join Group.


If you plan on applying without a team, please select Individual.




   New or existing group?


Select New Group if you want to create a team i.e. if you are the first one of your team applying.


Select Join Group If you want to join an existing team. Make sure your team leader (i.e. the person that created your team) has given you the Group-ID.


If anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to contact our team info@starthack.eu πŸ˜‹


Application (2)



Ready to travel to St. Gallen, Switzerland from the 22nd to the 24th of March 2023? Make sure to save the date!










Know anyone who might be interested in joining you on the journey? Reach out to them! Show them what we're all about. Gather one to three smart friends to build your unstoppable team.

ou prefer going it alone? Sounds good! You'll have pleeeenty of chances to meet innovative and creative students from all over Europe's top universities at our pre-Hack matchmaking events - both online and offline.








So that filling out your application is as smooth as butter, make sure to have these at hand!


SSo that filling out your application is as smoooth as butter, make sure to have these at hand!







Now comes the fun part: Just follow the instructions on each page and fill out the information. This should take you around 10 mins. Once you're done, submit the information and you're good to go!












We'll notify you as soon as we've come to a decision regarding your application. We're here and happy to help if you've any questions!